Olga Ganopolsky
IDCARE Board Director
Olga Ganopolsky is Macquarie Group’s General Counsel - Privacy and Data and is well versed in the subject of data protection with extensive experience in detailed privacy policy challenges, law reform and ongoing management of legal and strategic issues. Much of Olga’s work involves implementing new technologies and addressing privacy requirements in an increasingly complex co-regulatory and sometimes contentious environment. Most recently this has included work on the implementations of General Data Protection Regulation and the reforms to the Security of Critical Infrastructure Act 2018 and related regimes, advising artificial intelligence, CPS 234, Covid-19 related matters, the Consumer Data Right and addressing cross border issues arising out of the Schrems II Decision of the European Court of Justice and the newly updated Standard Contractual Clause as approved by the Commission. Olga is a Chairperson of the Law Council, Business Law Privacy Committee, and a routine presenter of privacy and data protection issues, as well as a key contributor to publications on this subject. Olga is also a co-chair of the New South Wales Law Society Privacy and Data Committee. Prior to joining the Macquarie Group in July 2014, Olga was the General Counsel and Company Secretary of the Veda Group Ltd (as it was then, now Equifax). In this role, Olga regularly advised on consumer and commercial credit reporting matters under the Privacy Act 1988 and matters related to credit scoring and identify verification under the Privacy Act 1988 and adjacent data related regimes, such as the Spam Act 2003 and aspects of identity verification under the AML/CTF and Telecommunications regimes. Prior to joining the Veda Group, in 2006, Olga was in private practice.